What is Thai Massage?



Traditional Thai Massage – A combination of acupressure and yoga-like stretching techniques that employs the use of the therapist’s fingers, thumbs, elbows, arms and feet on the body’s muscles, pressure points and energy lines (“Sen”) to clear energy blockages and balance the body’s energy.

Thai Massage can be performed either on a massage table or upon a cushioned floor mat. Loose-fitting, comfortable clothing is worn by the client at all times, and no creams or oils are used.

Benefits of Thai Massage:

  • Relieves muscle tension and soreness

  • Increases blood circulation, lowers blood pressure

  • Helps detoxification of the body and boosts immune system

  • Improves breathing

  • Reduces stress and relieves anxiety

  • Increases flexibility and range of motion

  • Improves posture, balance and corrects body alignments

  • Releases energy blockage and balances mind, body and spirit


Thai Herbal Compress therapy :


The Thai Herbal Ball compress technique offers several potential health benefits:  It induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts both emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity of the body, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs.

The hot compresses are ideal for alleviating pain, stiff, sore or pulled muscles and ligaments, chronic back aches, arthritis, even skin conditions, migraines and chronic stress or anxiety.  The blend of traditional Thai organic herbs used in these compresses has a relaxing and invigorating effect on the body and mind, soothing sore and overworked muscles while giving the body’s energy reserves a huge boost.

The herbs in the compress possess properties that are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant.  They are used to address sprains, bruises and sore muscles, cleanse and heal the skin by promoting cell growth, and aid upper respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, asthma, and the common cold.



Prices & Bookings : Call/Text (929) 253 3217 or email Adilridayogi@gmail.com to book your session


  • 90mins Traditional Thai Session starts at $190

  • 120mins session combines both the 90mins full Traditional Thai and the special Hot Herbal Compress $250



Traditional Thai Massage is sometimes called “Nuad Boran” which translates as “Ancient Massage”. It was founded by Dr. Jivaka Kumara Phaccha, who was a private doctor of the Buddha, over 2,500 years ago. It was introduced to Thailand at the same time as Buddhism – as early as the 3rd century B.C.


In the past, Thai Massage techniques were passed down from generation to generation orally within families as most people could not read or write. The formal manuscripts were written in ancient Pali by the Buddhist monks. In 1767, many of the manuscripts were destroyed by the Burmese invaders.

In 1832, King Rama III commanded his people to collect the remaining fragments of the original texts carved into stone as descriptive epigraphs at the Pra Chetupon Temple in Bangkok (popularly known as Wat Pho).


The theoretical foundation of Thai massage is based on the concept of invisible energy lines running through the body called “Energy-Based Healing System”. The system consists of the following:

Energy Lines (Meridians/”Sen”)

  • A pattern of invisible pathways along which life energy travels throughout the body.

  • There are total of 72,000 life energy lines throughout the body, but there are only ten major lines which we call Sen Sib Theory.

Energy Points (Meridian Points)

  • The energy points are similar to Chinese acupressure points and located along the energy lines throughout the body.

  • Wind Gates (Chakras)

  • Acupressure points that are located on aorta; Pressing on these points will open up their corresponding meridains/Sen and allow energy to flow more freely.